Scott Newton

Smethport, PA


Scott has been a Kades-Margolis Financial Professional since 2005. He specializes in serving educators and school employees in rural areas. Scott also specializes in retirement planning, rollover, 403(b) plans, and other investments. He encourages clients to reduce debt, save for their children’s college, and prioritize investing for the future.

Born and raised in Oswayo Valley, Scott understands the unique characteristics of North Central Pennsylvania. From the challenging weather to the fragile economic bases, Scott knows about and is committed to living in and serving the people of this region. He is respected in his region.

He is well known for his down-to-earth approach to explaining the sometimes complicated world of finance and investing. He is easily accessible and sincere in his care for each client’s individual needs. Scott’s main goal is to find the most proper investment vehicle for each client’s unique situation. He also helps his clients focus on and improve their personal finances.

Scott has more than 40 years of experience in public relations and business and has been active in the financial market since the early 1980s. He has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Management from Houghton College and an associate’s degree from DeVry Institute of Technology. He graduated from Oswayo Valley High School in Shinglehouse, Pennsylvania.

Scott is licensed for life and health insurance and fixed annuities. As a Registered Representative of GWN Securities, Inc., an independent registered broker-dealer, he can offer mutual funds and variable annuities.

Scott lives in Smethport with wife, Sally, a retired school counselor at Smethport Elementary. His daughter is a Smethport graduate, who has a successful career as a Human Resources manager in Florida. His interests include fishing, hiking, kayaking, and hunting for native ginseng. He volunteers at his local church, and assists his elderly mother. He is eager to pursue traveling, and other benefits of his new season of gradual retirement from KMC.

Contact Scott

Contact by Phone
(814) 558-5270
Contact by Email